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French Paper Glo Tone – Product Spotlight

HomePaper IdeasFrench Paper Glo Tone – Product Spotlight
French Glo Tone Paper

French Paper Glo Tone – Product Spotlight

French Paper Glo ToneAdd some excitement to your next project, so it will be memorable and talked about for days to come:  French Paper Glo-Tone.  The Vellum finish is known for its smooth appearance, yet has a delicate texture, very similar to the Eggshell finish.   With an amazing assortment of vibrant colors your project will be pleasing to the eye and to the touch as well.   French Paper Glo-Tone is available in text and cover weights, in several sizes for your convenience.  Also matching envelopes that you can purchase through Defy Paper.  View the assortment of colors and sizes of the Glo-Tone line:   Shop Paper French Glo-Tone Paper and Envelopes | Defy Paper

Promote Your Business

A great way to promote your business is offering business cards to potential clients.  Imagine if you will, your company name and logo on a brilliantly colored cover stock.  These would be an amazing promotional tool for trade shows.  People tend to remember bright colors versus neutral colors such as white.  Card stock is durable and won’t appear flimsy as compared to a text weight.

The Look and Feel You Expect

The Vellum finish has a smooth appearance, but a delicate texture.  The Vellum finish is a popular paper finish and is commonly used in printing: books, catalogs, gatefolds, wraps (which are used in lieu of binding with a cover), newsletters, direct mail or manuals.  Let that creative side of you go wild!

Get Social with French Paper Glo Tone

Are you planning a social gathering?  Defy Paper has the solution!  With an assortment of modern colors to choose from; Defy Paper has the color that will put your guests in awe.  With the fine Vellum texture, it will add a taste of elegance to any occasion.  The matching envelopes will complement the invitation you are sending.  You will be amazed too!

Would you like to add some flare to the project you are designing?  Defy Paper and French Glo-Tone have the solution!!  The bright, vivid colors will bring the attention you desire.  Your distinguished project will be the talk of the town, which brings even more potential customers to your door.  Memorable and desirable papers purchased through Defy Paper, get your order pads ready!!  When you’re in need of radiantly colored papers or envelopes keep French Glo-Tone & Defy Paper in mind.  Stylish stationery, business cards, brochures, invitations and so much more.

@ Defy Paper it’s as easy as:French Paper Glo Tone

  1. Select the paper
  2. Design your project
  3. Print!  You can print at home or at the office, how convenient!  When your project is so successful

(how can you miss, with such an assortment of brilliant colors!) you can print more!!

About DEFYPaper

DEFYPaper is proud to offer a large selection of paper products to meet all of your printing needs.  Defy makes high-quality printing projects fast and simple. Do you have any questions?  Or perhaps you need help selecting the perfect product for your business or organization.  Maybe you would just like a sample of Neenah Environment.  For this and more, contact one of our DEFYPaper experts.  Call 1-800-486-3435 or email Info@defypaper.comVisit us at