Mohawk Color Copy – Product Spotlight
The Mohawk Color Copy line has set the bar remarkably high for today’s standards in high-resolution digital color printers and copiers. Mohawk’s Color Copy line is FSC certified and manufactured with Green-e certified wind energy.
Superior Color and Performance
This color copy line features Mohawk’s patented Digital Imaging Surface, each selection is created to enhance both dry and liquid toner’s performance. The Digital Imaging surface created by Mohawk is an exclusive, innovative technology designed to produce superior color copies. The Mohawk Color Copy line was designed to enhance digital print performance from the office to the press room.
Super Smooth Finish
Along with the amazing brightness, Mohawk Color Copy is top of the line with a smoothness factor of ninety-eight! The smoothness of the paper is accomplished in the calendaring process; in this process the paper is run through rollers. The more pressure applied to the paper, the smoother the paper becomes.
High Quality Recycled Fibers
Mohawk only utilizes the cleanest, highest quality recycled fibers in the 100% PC white Color Copy paper. This shade of white has a brightness factor of ninety-four; on a recycled sheet of paper, that is extraordinary! The Bright White is an astounding ninety-eight brightness.
The super smooth finish, brightness, and the paper’s unmatched performance on color copiers and laser printers provide a work of art that will be admired by many. DefyPaper stocks Mohawk Color Copy in several convenient sizes, in both bond and cover weights. An occasional, tiny particle of fiber may be visible in the paper but will not affect the paper’s performance and may add some personality to each sheet. At DefyPaper, select the paper that best fits your printing requirements, and you can print from home or office. Shop now at DefyPaper:
About DEFYPaper
DEFYPaper is proud to offer a large selection of paper products to meet all of your printing needs. DEFYPaper makes high-quality printing projects fast and simple. Do you have any questions? Or perhaps you need help selecting the perfect product for your business or organization. Maybe you would just like a sample of Neenah Environment. For this and more, contact one of our DEFYPaper experts. Call 1-800-486-3435 or email Info@defypaper.com. Visit us at defypaper.com.