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Blanks Presentation Folders

HomePaper IdeasBlanks Presentation Folders
Printable Presentation Folders

Blanks Presentation Folders

Printable presentation folders are used in many aspects of our lives, such as keeping documents organized; employer meetings, promotional materials, keeping resumes and other documents protected from creasing or tears.  Blanks printable Presentation Folders come in several different styles to meet your requirements.

Blanks Presentation Folders are cast coated, 12pt C1S (gloss coated on one side) designed to run on digital, dry toner, laser and HP Indigo printers.  Options for the pockets include:  printable, one or two pockets that are 4” tall with adhesive strips for assembly (except the Print & Pop version).  The finished size of the presentation folder measures at 9”x12” (folded).  These folders are big enough to hold a variety of sales material or other documents of your choice.

Printable Presentation Folders Make an Impression

Printable Presentation FoldersYou can make a professional impression; handing out a presentation folder at your next meeting with a current or potential client.  No fumbling looking for marketing and promotional materials. Not being able to find the correct document during a meeting is not only embarrassing, but may impact the decision of a prospective client.  Who wants to hire a disorganized company representative?

The Print & Pop Presentation Folder is very convenient with the one-piece design which allows you to print and then quickly and easily assemble the folder, no adhesives or tape to apply.  This folder is made with high quality materials that are waterproof, tear-resistant and prints on virtually all digital printers.

Presentation folders make a great first impression, a professional demeanor for potential clients, employers or business contacts.  DefyPaper has free templates at your convenience so the Blanks Presentation Folders can easily be printed at home or office.   The sleek appearance of the gloss coated on one side sheet; with a 12pt thickness, which makes the folder ultra-durable.  The pockets are easily and quickly assembled.  DefyPaper stocks several pocket options:  printable pockets, double pocket options, and for convenience a pre-cut slit to affix a business card.

Shop Blanks Presentation Folders – Free Templates | Defy Paper

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