Greeting Cards
I always loved receiving greeting cards in the mail, filled with a personal message about the person and their family. Now moving into the digital age, it isn’t quite the same “happy birthday or Merry Christmas” in an email or text message loses that “personal touch”. It appears that I am not alone, this heartwarming way of communicating is also preferred by Gen Z and millennial generations. According to a recent poll by Shutterfly, 54% of Americans still mail greeting cards vs sending greetings on social media or digitally. People were also surveyed about how they like to receive greeting cards. The majority prefer to receive physical greeting cards in the mail. The main reason given was “lack of personalization”, people enjoy reading personal messages and viewing the photos of their family, vacations and even their pets!
The typical greeting cards are printed on cover stock, ranging from 10pt (80# cover) to 18pt (130# cover). The average greeting card purchased pre-printed at a store is 16pt cover.
If you would like your greeting cards to have a finish, keep in mind a gloss finish doesn’t work well for writing on it. Gloss finished printing paper can smear. C1S (coated one side) has a gloss finish on one side, with no coating on the reverse side. The gloss coating should be used for the outside of the greeting card, you can use the uncoated reverse side if you wish to write a personal message. If C1S isn’t what you are interested in, dull coating or un-coated printing paper would be options as well.
If you are planning on having a greeting card that folds, keep in mind the fold should be parallel with the grain direction. Folding against the grain can cause finishes to crack. Also, folding against the grain can cause an irregular fold, making it have an un-attractive appearance.
When you have designed your greeting card, follow DefyPaper’s website to order the cover stock you wish to use for your creative masterpiece:
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