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Metallic Paper – Product Spotlight

HomePaper IdeasMetallic Paper – Product Spotlight
Holiday Cards - Silver

Metallic Paper – Product Spotlight

Holiday Cards - Pure GoldAll designers love the admiration their creation brings.  Glimmering and shimmering metallic paper does just that!  The natural mineral MICA coated surface will add a glistening sparkle to any design project.  The metallic or pearlescent surface has been designed for a wide variety of print techniques, such as:  Inkjet, offset, laser, and toner digital presses.

Great for Birthdays and Holidays

Greeting cards are an excellent way to cherish birthdays, graduations, holidays, and many other milestones in our lives.  The pearlescent color options will amaze you; and the metallic sheen will add excitement and enthusiasm to the occasion.  Create your own card, the recipient will cherish the extra thought and time you put into your design.

 Metallic Paper Invitations

An invitation printed on a shinning cover stock will be an engaging compliment to the occasion.  The pearlescent color you chose will add sophistication. The matching envelopes will add just the right touch to your creative design.

Make Your Brand SparkleHoliday Cards - Silver

Since many businesses are now re-opening, this is the best time to get your brand conveyed to the public.  What better way to stand out, then print your company’s logo and contact information on a shimmering business card?  The more remarkable and memorable, the greater response you will receive.  The old bland white business card will just get shuffled and mixed in with all of the other business cards handed out.  Make yours shine and sparkle, stand out above all the others.  Great for promotional materials, posters, flyers, brochures; just use your creative imagination to get your business noticed.

Metallic Paper by CTI

CTI Aspire Petallics and CTI Holiday (metallic cards with matching envelope kits) are so versatile they can be used in the professional world and for personal uses as well.  The dazzling natural MICA surface will make any design project memorable and sophisticated.  When you are ready to create your glistening project, shop nowhere else but DefyPaper:

Shop CTI Aspire Petallics Paper and Envelopes | Defy Paper

5 X 7 Flat Card with Matching Envelope Pack – Pure Gold (

About DEFYPaper

DEFYPaper is proud to offer a large selection of paper products to meet all of your printing needs.  DEFYPaper makes high-quality printing projects fast and simple. Do you have any questions?  Or perhaps you need help selecting the perfect product for your business or organization.  Maybe you would just like a sample of Neenah Environment.  For this and more, contact one of our DEFYPaper experts.  Call 1-800-486-3435 or email Info@defypaper.comVisit us at