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Paper Characteristics: Coated Paper Finishes

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Paper Characteristics: Coated Paper Finishes

Coated Paper Finishes can enhance your printed messages.  Finishes can provide textures so not only is the project appealing to the eye, but it will enhance our sense of touch as well.  There are many finishes, I will be discussing the most popular finishes.

Coated Paper Finishes

Coated paper has many uses, sometimes coating is needed just to add thickness and durability to a thinner more vulnerable sheet of paper.  The most common coatings are gloss and dull.

Due to the coating applied during paper manufacturing, the peaks and valleys naturally found in paper fibers, are filled in and thus making the paper’s surface smooth and more appealing.

Coating can also provide more ink receptiveness.  Due to less ink absorbency, less ink is required for your project, as opposed to an un-coated sheet.

Gloss Coated Paper Finishes

High-fidelity Illustrations appear more vivid when choosing gloss coated paper. Intricate graphics appear vibrant.  Gloss coating is a popular choice for this type of printing project.  Because there is less ink absorbency, colors will stay true, regardless of how intense your printed image may be.

If your printed project includes the ability to write on it such as RSVP cards etc., then it’s best to use either a non-coated or dull coated sheet of paper for best results.  Gloss coated paper is difficult to write on and may smudge.

If your printed project is mostly in text – it’s best to use an un-coated or a dull coated sheet of paper.  It is very difficult to read when printed on a gloss sheet.  The glare can cause eyes to become tired.

If using a gloss coated cover sheet and your printed design includes folding, such as in a book – it’s best to use cover weights that are less than 80#, as the gloss coating can crack when folding in heavier weights.  As mentioned in a previous blog, for best results – fold should be parallel to the grain direction.

There are many end-uses for gloss coated paper.  I will name just a few:  books, promotional materials, photographs, flyers, magazines, catalogues, menus, and journals.


Coated paper has more of a uniform surface, so printed projects are magnificent!  The coating applied during manufacturing resists dirt, handling and sometimes moisture from damaging your printed creation.  Read more about Paper Finishes on our blog

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About DEFYPaper

DEFYPaper is proud to offer a large selection of paper products to meet all of your printing needs.  DEFYPaper makes high-quality printing projects fast and simple. Do you have any questions?  Or perhaps you need help selecting the perfect product for your business or organization.  Maybe you would just like a sample of Neenah Environment.  For this and more, contact one of our DEFYPaper experts.  Call 1-800-486-3435 or email Info@defypaper.comVisit us at